John Carmack, the consulting Chief Technical Officer (CTO) of Meta-owned Oculus VR, is leaving the company, and complained later on social media that his internal post announcing resignation ‘got leaked to the press.’

To prevent the press from picking ‘few choice bits’ from the post, Carmack shared it on Facebook, ‘just as the internal employees saw it.’

John Carmack’s Facebook post

“As anyone who listens to my unscripted Connect talk shows, I have always been pretty frustrated with how things get done at FB/Meta. Everything necessary for spectacular success is right there, but it doesn’t get put together effectively,” tweeted the 52-year-old, also a renowned video game developer.

He further said there was a ‘notable gap’ between him and Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg on strategic issues, and therefore, he knew it would be ‘extra frustrating’ to keep pushing his viewpoint internally.

“I am all in on building AGI at Keen Technologies,” concluded Carmack. Keen Technologies is an artificial intelligence (AI) startup founded by him earlier this year.

He joined Oculus VR in 2013 as its CTO; in 2014, it was acquired by Meta (then Facebook Inc.). In 2019, he reduced his role to Consulting CTO, in order to devote more time working on artificial general intelligence (AGI).

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