PTI | | Posted by Akanksha Agnihotri, New Delhi

A new solo show by veteran artist Bratin Khan here explores the subjects of Indian mythology, religion and folk lore in a distinct style that is inspired by Rajasthani miniature paintings and the Bengal school of art. The show, “Songs of Amity”, is organised here by Arushi Arts and curated by Payal Kapoor. With nature as an integral element in his works, Khan has reminisced his childhood in rural Bengal where he grew up surrounded by greenery. (Also read: Exhibition brings together works by seven pioneering Indian artists )

“Primarily the journey began with worshipping the nature, through many landscape paintings. I was born and brought up in a village in North of Bengal. In my early age there was no electricity even at that time. So I have strong memory of dawn, twilight, moonlit night. Absolute greenery. I could smell the jungle, aroma of flowers in morning and evening,” Khan said.

After having painted on subjects associated with nature for years into his career, Khan has been focussing on the “Creator” and paying his tribute “to the Lord through my canvases”.

“I love to paint the blue God ‘Krishna’ though he has come with human body; he painted himself blue, to make him separate from the normal human beings. So it is my tribute to the Lord,” the artist added.In a series of paintings titled “Anand”, Khan has depicted the child form of lord Krishna.

“Anand is a series where I have been painting the Lord as a child; ‘Anand’ the childhood pleasure, playfulness, has created its own language, own atmosphere, its own identity. It is not an illustration of religious epics. Though it may link some common references from epics or Indian mythology,” he said. Khan has also explored the spirituality surrounding Lord Buddha and Mahavira in his paintings. The exhibition will come to an end on December 20.

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